Professional Training
Register Today! Get on the Carbon Professional Path. We practice what we teach™
Road to Net-Zero needs Professionals with the right knowledge & expertise based on globally recognized standards. Get the most effective training to get the required GHG metrics.
Carbon Professional Path (Steps 1-4):
Step 1: Develop & Report a GHG Inventory
Step 2: Quantify & Report Scope 3 GHG Emissions
Step 3: Manage a GHG Reduction Project
Step 4: Validate & Verify GHG Inventory Statement
Additional Courses:
Report Climate-Related Financial Disclosures
Carbon Professional Path
Become a certified expert in GHG Quantification, Validation, Verification, & Reporting by getting on the Carbon Professional Path (Steps 1 to 4)
Understand the fundamentals of creating an Organizational Carbon Footprint following: ISO 14064-1:2018 & GHG Protocol Corporate Standard.
Required for all GHG Reporting including for internal ESG, CDP, GRI, CSRD, IFRS, and many others.
Step 3: GHGProjectsIQ
Understand the fundamentals of creating GHG Emissions Inventory for a GHG reduction/removal project following: ISO 14064-2:2019 & GHG Protocol GHG Project Accounting Standard.
Required for all scenarios where GHG Reduction & Removal projects are being implemented & carbon credits are being generated & issued.
Understand the fundamentals of SCOPE 3 GHG Accounting for Upstream & Downstream GHG Emissions following: ISO 14064-1, 14064-2 & GHG Protocol Corporate Value Chain - Scope 3 Standard.
Required for all GHG Reporting including for internal ESG, CDP, GRI, CSRD, IFRS, and many others.
Understand the fundamentals of validating and verifying GHG Inventories & Statements following: ISO 14064-3:2019 guidelines.
A requirement by many authorities & regulatory bodies prior to submission of an organizational Climate-Related Risk statement, Science-Based Reduction targets & annual ESG report.