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Road to Net-Zero needs Professionals with the right knowledge & expertise based on globally recognized standards!

Get the most effective training to get the required GHG metrics, right!

Professional  Training 
Register TodayGet on the Carbon Professional Path

We practice what we teach™

Become a certified expert in GHG Quantification, Validation, Verification, & Reporting by getting on the Carbon Professional Path  (Steps 1-4)

Learn how to:

  • Develop & Report a GHG Inventory

  • Quantify & Report Scope 3 GHG Emissions

  • Manage a GHG Reduction Project

  • Validate & Verify GHG Inventory Statement

  • Report Climate-Related Financial Disclosures

Step 1 - Carbon Professional Path - GHGIQ

Understand the fundamentals of creating an Organizational Carbon Footprint following: ISO 14064-1:2018 & GHG Protocol Corporate Standard.

Required for GHG Reporting including for CDP, GRI, CSRD, IFRS, and many others.

Step 2 - Carbon Professional Path - GHGScope3

Understand the fundamentals of SCOPE 3 GHG Accounting for Upstream & Downstream GHG Emissions following: ISO 14064-1, 14064-2 & GHG Protocol Corporate Value Chain - Scope 3 Standard.

Required for GHG Reporting including for CDP, GRI, CSRD, IFRS, and many others.

Step 3 - Carbon Professional Path - GHGProjectsIQ

Understand the fundamentals of creating GHG Inventory for a GHG reduction/removal project following: ISO 14064-2:2019 & GHG Protocol GHG Project Accounting Standard. 

Required for all scenarios where GHG Reduction & Removal projects are being implemented & carbon credits are being generated & issued.

Step 4 - Carbon Professional Path - GHGV&V

Understand the fundamentals of validating and verifying GHG Inventories & Statements following: ISO 14064-3:2019 guidelines.

A requirement by many authorities & regulatory bodies prior to submission of an organizational  Climate-Related Risk statement, Science-Based Reduction targets & annual ESG report.

Courses are based on ISO & GHG Protocol Standards

Watch the video to understand the relationship between
ISO & GHG Protocol

Develop the knowledge to understand and respond to TCFD, CDP, CSRD, GRI, SBTi, Net-Zero & others

100% Online GHG Training




Great examples and resources shared, the course had more to offer beyond the generic ISO standards courses!
The blended learning style made it easy for understanding the concept as we did most of the reading and discovering prior and the sessions were used to cement what we learned.
Class sessions were engaging with participants encouraged to give their views and ask questions.
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